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Missing my flag T-shirt

I’m listening to Zac Brown Band’s song called “Freedom.” The video opens with an American flag and the song is catchy. But I have mixed feelings. For a while, I stopped posting about the flag and listening to Country music, and even loving America. Because to me, a group of extremists kidnapped it. My America. That's right, My America. It's mine, too. I was born here. My parents were born here. And my grandparents emigrated here. From other countries. To pursue the American dream. Ahhh, with a long, comforting "Ahh"merica. I remember 1976. It was the closest any of us would get to an actual "100th" anniversary of the birth of our nation. 1776-1976. We made banners and red, white, and blue cupcakes, and walked the parade in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard – one of America’s oldest – and all of us kids chased the candy those men from the antique firetruck threw to us. And we weren't afraid to eat it. It was just as innocent as when my Grandfather, Joe Monti...

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